Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Out of the mouth of toddlers...

Alexa has always had a way with words. Heard this gem in the car late last week. The radio station was discussing some absurd situation...and the DJ said "well, that was just stupid." Stupid, is a "bad" word at home and at day care.
Alexa, with exasperation in her voice: "Mama, he said a BAD word! He's not supposed to say that."
(Me: Yep honey, he did. That's not nice to say.)
Alexa: "Yeah, stupid is a bad word, and "ass" is a bad word too!"

D'oh! At least she knows what the bad words are, now she just has to stop telling EVERYBODY what those words are.

1 comment:

Jenny B said...

LOL at least she didn't go on and give you a full list of bad words.

Ava in the wave pool

Ava in the wave pool

A perfect landing!

A perfect landing!