Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nature's calling.

No, not for me. The *&*^$#$ birds outside my window. At 5 AM every day. Fabulous. I don't know what kind of birds, I don't know what they are singing/calling/chirping for. Not sure I care. But, considering I live on 3.5 acres, does it have to occur 5 feet from my bedroom window? I think not. Each and every morning, I get a rousing wake-up call from my flighty friends. It is not desired at all. Closing the window... not much help.

One can only hope they find their soul mates and fly on to a nice, fluffy nest FAR from my window. Soon. I'm a crabby woman without my sleep. Take John's word for it.

1 comment:

Karen the Californian said...

Well, if it makes you feel any better, the birds in my back yard (and our property is only about 4 times the square footage of our house) start singing when the sun goes down, and don't stop until after the sun is fully up again in the morning sky.

Wishing you lots of rest...

Ava in the wave pool

Ava in the wave pool

A perfect landing!

A perfect landing!